速報APP / 社交 / 700 iTips for Singles and Couples

700 iTips for Singles and Couples



檔案大小:249.9 KB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 6.1 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


700 iTips for Singles and Couples(圖1)-速報App

Words like "breakups", "failed marriages", "divorces" etc have overshadowed the conventional words like "together forever", "never letting go", "till death do us part" that our world was used to. We're handed a certificate before the journey begins with little or no knowledge about what marriages entail and how to make our relationships work.

These tips are channeled towards making our relationships better and saving our homes and relationships. We owe ourselves a happy life, lets not give up on LOVE. They are not life manuals but tips to make our relationships better. Once the home front (Relationships & Marriages) are fixed, half of the world's problems would have been solved. Get it for your partners, recommend for friends, relations and loved ones.

Lets save our relationships.